Research Summary
Gum disease: Fluoride a potential treatment
Fluoride should be evaluated as a potential treatment for severe gum disease Japanese and Korean researchers say. Sodium fluoride has been shown to increase bone mass and has been investigated as a treatment for postmenopausal osteoporosis in adults. In the current study a team led by Ujjal Bahwal from the Nihon University School of Dentistry, Matsudo, Japan, used bone marrow cells from rats to assess the effects of sodium fluoride on bone loss induced by Porphyromonas.gingivalis, a bacterial species associated with gum disease. They discovered that sodium fluoride suppressed the growth of the bacteria. It also prevented bone loss by inhibiting bacterial effects on bone resorption. Fluoride application may help maintain a healthy oral microbial balance and is a promising approach to peridontitis management the researchers concluded.