Effect of liner and porcelain application on zirconia surface structure and composition

Research Summary

Dental restoration: Building stronger bonds

Sturdier implant–porcelain bonds are now accessible thanks to new insight into the impact of restorative procedures on veneered ceramics. Zirconia has emerged as a dental ceramic of choice due to its favorable integration into the existing bone, and high toughness and thermal expansion, which are needed for durable implant–porcelain bonds. However, these bonds tend to chip and peel. To uncover the root of these failures, Tariq Alghazzawi and Gregg Janowski from The University of Alabama at Birmingham assessed the contribution of liner and porcelain applications to zirconia surfaces under various veneering conditions. Liners and layered porcelain altered the zirconia composition and microstructure to a greater extent than pressed porcelain. These changes facilitated material diffusion at the zirconiaŐporcelain interface, promoting bond failure, especially with ageing of the implant.